DocsGetting StartedCustomizing


How to customize your documentation site.

To customize your documentation site, you can check the files and folders below:

  • src/config: Contains the site configuration files, such as:

    • site information settings
    • code theme
    • navigation menu
    • internationalization.
  • src/i18n/locales/[language].json: Contains the text strings for each supported language that are not directly related to MDX contents (site, buttons, cards...).

  • src/components: Contains the site components.

MDX Document Settings

MDX documents are stored in the apps/content/docs/[language] and apps/content/blog/[language] folder. Each document is an MDX file that contains a header with metadata, such as title and description. Below is an example of a document header:

title: Document Title
description: Document Description.

To add new metadata to the document, you can add new keys to the header. For example, you can add an author key to indicate the document author:

title: Document Title
description: Document Description.
author: Author Name

But when adding custom metadata, you also need to update the contentlayer.config.ts file located at the root of the project and inside the fields property in the Doc or Blog constants. After that, you will need to display the new information in the document template. To do this, you will need to update the src/app/[locale]/docs/[[...slug]]/page.tsx file, or src/app/[locale]/blog/[[...slug]]/page.tsx or one of its child components.